You’re Spiraling…! Take Control.

blondie blogger
3 min readNov 30, 2020

It’s hard to be perfect. But not impossible.

Staying on the right track takes a lot of patience and self-control, something that many of us may think we have when in reality we don’t. That’s a hasty generalization, especially because I’m talking about myself more than talking about you, the reader. However, it’s true: doing the right thing at the right time all the time without taking steps backward is hard. A lot of the time, we acknowledge the difficulty of it all and allow a wave of anxiety and emotion to overcome us, allowing the laziness to set in; the do-it-tomorrow mentality is in full force.

Especially in 2020 when nothing goes right, everything is seemingly doomed, and life seems to be at a standstill, there are many blessings in disguise that can help you escape your temporary “rut.” It’s worthwhile to note that everyone has bad days, or even weeks (maybe months) to fall behind, ignore responsibilities, do what your heart wants rather than what your brain wants, and that’s okay. Life isn’t always supposed to be so planned out and organized, some spontaneity never did anyone harm. But a lack of control in your day-to-day actions can lead to more harm than good.

SO, when you notice yourself to veer off the road, take control of the wheel, put your hands on 10-and-2, and focus.

You need to remind yourself daily why you’re doing what you’re doing to get you to where you want to be. Your hands need to get dirty. You need to have some sleepless nights. You need to do the work that nobody else wants to do. You need to just…do it. But that comes easier once you get into a routine and this is what it comes down to:

Do for you. No more excuses. Do something today that you’ll thank yourself for tomorrow.

  • Wake up early — the early bird gets the worm. don’t waste the fleeting sunlight away by sleeping in (save that for Sunday’s!)
  • Workout — some cardio, a good old fashioned Quarantine-inspired walk around the neighborhood, some push-ups, or simple yoga. Get moving.
  • Drink a gallon of water a day — I drink four 32oz Hydroflask’s a day and that’s how I keep track.
  • Take a cold shower — it’ll wake you up, help with circulation, and help your skin and hair. Plus you’ll spend less time in the shower and more time checking off your to-do list.
  • Get ready every day — even if you’re WFH and your Zoom camera isn’t on, get ready for you. Have the look good, feel good, do good mentality.
  • Eat well — nourish your body and feel clean. Otherwise, you’ll feel gross and won’t want to get out of bed.
  • Journal / make a to-do list — I write three things I’m thankful for every morning to remind myself how blessed I am and note the things I have to do each day. Gets your brain workin’ and energy flowin’.
  • Focus on YOURSELF — block the noise. People are so quick to judge and make a comment. At the end of the day, it’s your life. As long as you’re happy with your decisions, keep doing you. But don’t lose sight of the end goal.

Everyone has their off days. One step forward, two steps back if you have to, but don’t stop. A few changes in your daily routine can help you take control of your life. Hype yourself up and remind yourself what a success you actually are and what’s to come. The better of a routine you get into, the easier it will come to you and the better you’ll feel. You got this!

xoxo -C

